A Faceless Brand

Produce videos EVEN if you're Camera-Shy

It’s 2022 and everyone is hounding you to “get on TikTok,” and “be the face of your brand.” (*ahem* …guilty).

The only issue is… You freeze in front of the camera.

Or perhaps you don’t have time to shoot video every day.

Maybe you think you have a Face for Radio.

It is entirely possible to create a Magnetic brand without having your face attached to it.

Some of the Most Dominant Brands across TikTok and YouTube have figured out how to avoid having a face associated with them.


One of the most prominent examples of a *technically* faceless brand is Duolingo.

Instead of having a their CEO or a social media manager be the face of their language-learning platform, they have taken advantage of the company mascot, Duo the Owl:

Duo has more personality in a single feather than almost any business owner on TikTok (no shade. The bird is *a lot*).

The team behind the Duolingo account have built a sassy, intimidating, charismatic character that consistently goes viral.

What started as a quirky mascot threatening people to complete language lessons shifted into a beloved character that is a modern-day Geico Gecko or Flo.

Duo is able to participate in TikTok trends just as well as any other individual creator. The account has a tendency to produce “edgy” content, which somehow never gets less surprising because…it’s a big fluffy green owl.

It is one of the best social media marketing strategies that I’ve seen from a traditional, “corporate” type of company.

Oh, and the best part? Anyone can throw on that suit.


AsapSCIENCE is a great example of the use of narrated video essays.

The creators of the channel, Mitchell and Gregory do occasionally show their faces, but they primarily use hand-drawn illustrations and voiceovers to educate their audience.

The use of Drawings, Graphics, and Kinetic text is an excellent way to engage your viewers without speaking directly into the lens. It still gives you the opportunity to use your voice, without needing to show your face.

We have a list of our favorite graphics, stock footage, and images for your videos inside the Inhouse Videographer course.

Elite Video Marketer of the Week:

This week on the Elite Video Marketing show, Aaron shared an easy solution to producing branded video content without a face attached:

Listen to the Full Episode:

Want More Examples?

Check out these popular accounts that built their following without a face:

Have an ELITE Week,
