The Content System

This is the basic circuit of content creation

The Content System

I bought George Blackman’s Youtube scriptwriting course

One of the added bonuses was a live call with youtube phenom Ali Abdaal, for whom George used to write scripts.

The call was kind of weird because Ali basically admitted that he stopped making videos from scripts a year ago and now mostly produces videos from a well-researched outline.

But that’s not the point of this newsletter. 

I want to write about a doodle that Ali wrote on the screen while he was on the call.

(here’s my screenshot of it)

This is the basic circuit of content creation.

You get an idea, develop a title & thumbnail, write a script, film the video, edit it, publish it, then look at the analytics and start again.

It is not that complex.

But, since there are at least 7 discrete steps, you can easily over-index on the wrong part of the process.

In Eliyahu Goldratt’s The Goal, the author writes about universal principles of manufacturing that can be applied widely across industries. His Theory of Constraints suggests that there is only ever 1 bottleneck on your system at a given time.

Releasing one bottleneck yields acceleration until you hit the next bottleneck threshold. Your job is to exclusively focus on the salient bottleneck and ignore the rest until the chokepoint has been released.

Do you know which part of the video creation circuit is your chokepoint?

Are you dedicating more time to releasing it?

Your content system should be primarily focused on YouTube.

Why? Because if your videos can win there, they can win anywhere.

It has the best data analytics, the largest audience, and the most potential through the remainder of the 2020s.

We’ve put together a FREE presentation that outlines this in more detail.