Do Your Viewers Return?

Your best videos will lead someone to seek more of your content.

Do Your Viewers Return?

There is a standard experience for everyone that frequents a short form video feed.

Whether you prefer TikTok or Instagram or YouTube Shorts, you’ve inevitably opened the app and been greeted by new videos from accounts that you frequently watch.

You give the videos a shot because of your familiarity with the creator and are often satisfied by the consistent qualities of the videos they produce.

If you reverse engineer this, it makes sense on three levels.

  1. The best creators have a clearly defined audience they serve and build a system around producing videos that speak to said audience.

  2. Viewers enjoy a blend of familiarity and novelty. A familiar face with a novel story/skit/tip is something we are biologically hardwired to be interested in.

  3. The platforms that house these videos make more money the longer you stay in their feed, and so they optimize their algorithms to show you familiar faces regularly.

So, if you’re a video marketer, then the holy grail of growing your channel is the number of return viewers that your content earns.

Your best videos will lead someone to seek more of your content.

The algorithms will identify that one of your videos were satisfying and show your new viewer additional videos. If the binging is well received, your future content will get the privilege of early feed position in future app opens.

There’s no way to ‘hack’ this. 

You must create resonant, high-quality video for a clearly defined audience. 

Everything else is noise.

This past week, we hit 75k subscribers on our YouTube channel.

It took 6 years of hitting our head against the wall before we unlocked consistent growth. 

50% of our growth has come in the last 6 months. 35% has happened since the start of the year.

We don’t want it to take as long for you.

Get the strategy, accountability, and community you’ve needed to take your video marketing to the next level by joining the Piper Video Guild.