No Audio Test

Your Videos Need To Be Just As Engaging Without Sound As They Are With


Trending sounds are useful to boost your posts in the algorithm, but do your videos pass the “No Audio” test?

A lot of people scroll Instagram, TikTok, and Linkedin with their volume down. They may be at work, or on public transportation, or in line at the grocery store, but they still want to be entertained.

Your videos need to be just as engaging WITHOUT sound as they are with.

Alex Hormozi’s content passes the “No Audio Test” with flying colors. Here’s why:

Visual Hooks

In every intro of Hormozi’s videos, the premise is shared immediately.

In the Tiktok where he discussed how Kylie Jenner changed his life, the visual cues on-screen are straightforward. A photo of Kylie, bold text, and an arrow for some additional punch.

In the video where he explains What Makes a Salesperson Creepy, there is a very subtle camera pan from right-to-left as the interviewer asks him the question, along with text and a clown emoji on-screen.

Motion helps pull you into a video. Often Hormozi will use split-second pans or zoom in/out to begin a TikTok because it captures your eye and leads you towards the subject.

Elite Captions

This Tiktok is the perfect example of Hormozi’s top-notch caption game.

His editors use a bold font, stick to 2 or 3 distinct colors, and pull the captions away from the background with a dramatic drop shadow.

There is ZERO dead space in Hormozi’s videos (they cut out pauses that can’t be more than .4 seconds) and because of that the captions change on-screen very quickly.

Also, from sentence-to-sentence, the angle of the captions change, which is a subtle but smart way to keep the brain engaged.

They also incorporate emojis, logos, and other symbols to illustrate the content further.

The mastermind behind Hormozi’s content is Caleb Ralston, who previously worked for GaryVee. I discussed more of his editing strategies in this podcast episode.

Does your content pass the No Audio Test?

Have an ELITE Week,


Elite Video of the Week:

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