No Repeats

Reasons Why I Am Not Going To Re-Consume Any Content This Year

Hey EVM Fam,

This week’s newsletter is a personal reflection on something I’ve been experimenting with this year.

On January 1st, I decided I was not going to Re-Consume any content this year. 100% of my media consumption would be shows, books, and videos that I’d never seen before.

New Girl? No, girl.

Have I mourned the loss of Nick Miller in the background? Yes. Comfort shows are called “comfort shows” for a reason.

But ultimately, I have benefited from switching it up.

I did this for a couple of reasons:

#1 I’ve never seen Shrek.

No, I’m serious. I’ve never seen Shrek, or Lord of the Rings, or Shawshank Redemption (I know 😬), or countless other classics that have shaped generations.

There are *so* many accessible shows and movies that I’ve never seen because I’ve opted for Parks n Rec for the 6th time.

But besides the cultural significance of certain shows/books/movies, there is a larger desire to consume as much as the world has to offer. Comfort shows are great, but I definitely had a “come to Jesus” moment when I realized that as a creator myself, I want nothing more than for people to be struck by pieces I make.

How can I want that, by simultaneously *not* seeking out more work, new work, by some of the most successful creators of all time?

Which brings me to my second reason for not re-watching:

#2 You Create What You Consume

If you consume trash, you cannot produce gold.

I am NOT saying that New Girl is trash - on the contrary, it is one of the greatest creations of our time and quite frankly I cannot wait to watch “Cooler” (S2 E15) when January 2023 hits.

However, you create what you consume.

And if you consume the same stuff all the time, how are you ever going to produce anything new or different?I want to develop as an artist, editor, and business person, so if all I’m doing is re-watching the same shows and movies and re-listening to the same books, I am stunting my own potential.

So far, this year of no repeat-consumption has been eye-opening. I’ll recap in more detail once 2022 is up, but in the meantime I challenge you this:

Take stock of what you’re consuming on a daily basis.

Is it purpose-driven?

Is it enhancing your quality of life?

If the answer is no, you may want to consider joining me in 2023 for another year of no repeats.

Have an ELITE week,

HannahPS. If you want to join my FREE THUMBNAIL WORKSHOP on WEDNESDAY, November 2, click the image below and fill-out the form.